We encourage you to explore this site and the many benefits being a NECC member can offer to you. Membership is open to individuals who work in a management and/or individual contributor role in the compensation field; this may include consultants and other HR professionals who have compensation as a key part of their job responsibilities. Members are required to attend at least two meetings within a 12 month period and are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and views on all areas within Compensation. The benefits of NECC membership include:
Professional development at no cost through NECC functions and programs
Networking opportunities with other NECC professionals
Online access to NECC membership directory
Leadership and volunteer opportunities
Access to job searches and postings
Affiliation with New England's premier HR compensation professional group
Ability to share information and experiences with other professionals
Discounts available for some WorldatWork courses
Individuals interested in joining NECC must attend a meeting as a guest of a current member. After the first meeting, those who remain interested should provide their contact information to a Steering Committee member.
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